Friday, September 22, 2017

Guest Speaker Josh Bungartz-CenturyLInk

Guest Speaker on Communication Technologies for Desalination Machine

Date: 9.22.17
Class: Cisco 1 Networking
Location: Logan HS
Number of Students: Entire class
Goal: Provide the students with professional solutions to allow the Desalination Machine to communicate from a remote site.

Josh Bumgartz talked to the students on his background and career options at CenturyLink. He also brought in some cables and devices that he uses in his work. We thank Josh and CenturyLink for taking the time and meeting with us.

Main options Josh went through for communication with device:

1. Gamecam
a) Cost is relatively low $200
b) Communication can be simple text or picture sent to a cell phone at different times.
c) Videos can also be sent
d) Solar powered is an option.
a) May not be able to see the dials because it would be mounted close to the machine. Animals are usually a few feet away at least.
b) Some concern on quality of the image bringing out the details of the dial or meter.
c) Must have cell reception

2. Wireless security camera
a) Good option as far as image quality
b) Two way talk can be an option so you can communicate with someone on the other end by the machine.
c) Even some 3rd World countries have cell phone coverage.
d) Works on an existing cell account. You just have to add the device and pay for data.

a) Cost is high $400 plus you have to have an existing plan to add the device.
b) Must have cell reception.

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Desalination Project Completion

LA CROSSE LOGAN HIGH SCHOOL DESALINATION MACHINE PROJECT Designed and Fabricated in the Logan Technology & Engineering Department  ...